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Capacitação de Recursos REDCap

Just Getting Started?
Explore these overviews of fundamental concepts and features.

Título Descrição Assista ao vídeo
Brief Overview A quick summary of what REDCap is and what it can do.
4 Minutos
Detailed Overview Este vídeo apresenta uma visão geral das funções básicas e características dentro de um projeto REDCap. Ele servirá como um ponto de partida para aprender sobre os conceitos básicos de boné vermelho, que são projetos de REDCap, como criá-los e como usá-los.
14 minutes
Data Entry Overview A focused exploration of basic data entry workflow. Suitable for training data entry staff.
16 Minutos

Building a Project
Learn how to build and modify data collection instruments.

Título Descrição Assista ao vídeo
Introduction to Project Development An introduction to the Online Designer and Data Dictionary methods of project modification.
4 Minutos
O Designer Online This online tool is the quickest and most intuitive method for making instrument modifications.
5 minutos
O Dicionário de Dados The Data Dictionary is your project structure in a downloadable spreadsheet file. The spreadsheet can be modified and uploaded into REDCap to make instrument modifications. To see an example, download the Arquivo de dados de demonstração Dicionário.
14 minutos
Tipos de Campos do Projeto An illustration of some popular field types.
4 Minutos

Basic Features & Modules

Tipo de projeto Descrição Assista ao vídeo
Applications Overview A brief exploration of the most popular built-in tools.
5 Minutos
O módulo de Calendário This tool organizes your study by tracking upcoming milestones and events.
7 Minutos
O módulo de agendamento This is an optional feature in longitudinal projects. The tool generates record-specific schedules based on a series of events or timepoints. Used with the calendar module, this tool greatly streamlines longitudinal data entry.
7 Minutos
Acesso grupos de dados
Multi-site para projetos
The Data Access Groups feature assigns users to groups. Any user in a Data Access Group may only access their group's records. Each group is blinded to all other data/records. Users not in a group can access all data across all groups. This feature is especially useful for multi-site projects because each data collection site must usually be restricted from viewing other sites' records.
7 Minutos

Tipos de Projetos REDCap
Existem vários sabores de projetos REDCap para escolher como você começar a pensar sobre a construção de seu próprio projeto. Cada tipo de projeto tem suas vantagens e desvantagens, e pode atender às necessidades específicas melhores de um tipo de projeto em detrimento de outro. Por favor, reveja as diferentes tipos abaixo, e você pode até mesmo ver um exemplo vivo de cada tipo de projeto em ação, ou ver um vídeo curto sobre o assunto.

Tipo de projeto Descrição Assista ao vídeo
Types of Projects This video describes two major decisions that must be made when building a REDCap project. It also briefly illustrates how these decisions affect which type of project is used.
3 minutos
Projeto Tradicional
(Modelo clássico com as formas de entrada de dados)
The traditional project is used for basic data collection. All data is entered directly in REDCap by users who log in. Multiple data collection instruments are often defined. This project type is suitable for most data collection needs. It can capture longitudinal data, including adverse event reporting or other collection that does not have a pre-defined schedule or end-point.
3 minutos
Projeto de Pesquisa Individual The Survey module allows a REDCap instrument to be completed by survey respondents who do not log in. Data can also still be entered by REDCap users (who do log in). This video explores all the major features of the survey module, including survey distribution. A single survey project has only one data collection instrument, which is used as a survey.
5 minutos
Projeto Longitudinal
(Multi-uso formas de entrada de dados,
abstratas de tempo pontos)
The Longitudinal module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The same data may be captured repeatedly. The module uses an event grid to define clear timepoints used for data collection. The longitudinal module is best suited to very structured studies which do NOT last indefinitely. Clinical trials frequently use this project type.
3 minutos

Projeto Longitudinal + Scheduling
(Multi-uso formas de entrada de dados,
pontos de tempo definidos)
This project type uses two modules. The Longitudinal module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The Scheduling module adds record-specific schedules onto a study calendar, using the longitudinal event grid. Schedules can be generated and modified. The longitudinal module is best suited to very structured studies which do NOT last indefinitely. So this project type is useful for large, multi-site clinical trials needing a quick and easy way to schedule patient visits.
3 minutos
(Caso de uso para non-study/non-trial)
REDCap can be used for almost any type of data collection. The most common uses are clinical research and trials. However, REDCap is also suitable for administrative and educational data, workflow tracking, quality improvement, biobanking, registries, and non-human research. This example explores a traditional project type being used to capture and track operational bookkeeping information.
2 minutes

Características especiais dentro de Projetos REDCap
Todo projeto Redcap é capaz de utilizar características especiais, alguns dos quais podem ser ativadas por usuários normais e alguns pelos administradores Redcap. Abaixo está uma listagem desses recursos.

Recurso Descrição Assista ao vídeo
Defining Events in Longitudinal Projects Defining events is a requirement of the Longitudinal module. That module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The module uses an event grid to define the timepoints used for data collection. This video illustrates how to define the timepoints (also called events).
5 Minutos
Designating Instruments for Events in Longitudinal Projects Designating instruments is an optional step of the Longitudinal module. That module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The module uses an event grid to define the timepoints used for data collection. This video illustrates how to designate which instruments are completed at each timepoint.
3 Minutos
Repeatable instruments and events In-depth overview of how to set up and utilize the Repeating Instruments and Repeating Events functionality in both classic and longitudinal projects.
33 Minutos
REDCap Mobile App The REDCap Mobile App is an app that can be downloaded onto a tablet or mobile device to allow REDCap data to be collected locally on that device without the need for an internet connection (either wifi or cellular signal). If a user downloads the app, they must explicitly be given mobile app privileges in a given REDCap project in order to set up the project on the app. Once a project has been set up on the app, data can be collected in an offline fashion and then later synced back to the REDCap server.
2 Minutos
Registros de travamento The locking feature freezes data. Users can still view existing data, but they cannot modify it unless they have the needed User Rights permissions. This video illustrates the basics of how instruments are locked. Refer to the built-in help resources and locking applications for more detailed instructions about locking management.
2 Minutos
Data Resolution Workflow This advanced tool enables a powerful data query management system.
5 Minutos

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/^((29([-\/])02\3(\d{2}([13579][26]|[2468][048]|04|08)|(1600|2[048]00)))|((((0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])([-\/])(0[1-9]|1[012]))|((29|30)([-\/])(0[13-9]|1[012]))|(31([-\/])(0[13578]|1[02])))(\11|\15|\18)\d{4})) (\d|[0-1]\d|[2][0-3]):[0-5]\d$/
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/^((02([-\/])29\3(\d{2}([13579][26]|[2468][048]|04|08)|(1600|2[048]00)))|((((0[1-9]|1[012])([-\/])(0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]))|((0[13-9]|1[012])([-\/])(29|30))|((0[13578]|1[02])([-\/])31))(\11|\15|\19)\d{4})) (\d|[0-1]\d|[2][0-3])(:[0-5]\d){2}$/
/^(((\d{2}([13579][26]|[2468][048]|04|08)|(1600|2[048]00))([-\/])02(\6)29)|(\d{4}([-\/])((0[1-9]|1[012])(\9)(0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|((0[13-9]|1[012])(\9)(29|30))|((0[13578]|1[02])(\9)31)))) (\d|[0-1]\d|[2][0-3])(:[0-5]\d){2}$/